Was honoured to have had the pleasure of being the first artist to take up residency for Covent Garden, London over the summer months. During my stint in London I created a selection of colourful vector graphics that adorned shop facades throughout the iconic shopping district alongside bespoke murals in my trademark animal print typography fusing pattern with the local shop names and messages of Summer fun! A huge thanks for Charlotte for making this happen! More pictures to follow soon….

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Simpsons in 2019, FX Networks asked Awesome Inc to help them create a graphic “thank you” spot full of characters, icons and catch phrases in honour of its epic global audience. I was asked to contribute some freehand typography and illustrations for the project which can be seen in the above motion video.
Awesome Inc website: https://www.awesomeinc.com/
Awesome Inc Instagram: @awesomeinc_atl
Awesome Inc Twitter: @awesomeinc_atl
Awesome Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Awesome-Incorporated/123505584332004
Had the pleasure and honour to create the logo for an amazing new Berlin Creative platform created by Lakuti & Tama Sumo. Amended artwork for final concept by Naro Watanabe.
Text below taken from BDTW fb page.
Bring down the walls is a platform to nurture a more caring music community. There is a power in the ritual of dancing and coming together in a shared space, that power can transcend the moment and translate into our day to day existence. With this platform we hope to provoke a dialogue that at it’s very core is, anti racist, anti sexist, non homophobic, non trans phobic, non ageist, & it questions and breakdowns the class divide. In these current political times we all need to stand up and be counted and we need to work to challenge and dismantle the current status quo with all of our might.
Cutting through the echo chamber has never been more important which is why we felt a need to create a platform with music at it’s centre, a platform that is aimed at everyone willing to do the work on themselves & their community to build a fairer and more equal society at large .
As the great Angela Davis succinctly puts it, ‘men have to be at the forefront of championing feminism for radical change to form´. Bring down the walls aims to be inclusive as we strongly believe that together we are strong and can radically transform the world.
We take our cues and pointers from musicians & artists who in the past & present were and are on the forefront of championing equality, and disrupting the status quo.
Musicians such as Nina Simone, Miriam Makeba, Letta Mbulu, Peter Gabriel, Brian Eno, Hugh Masekela, Aretha Franklin, Pusha T, Stevie Wonder, Eddy Grant, Dj Sprinkles & countless many other musicians who were at the forefront of the civil rights movement, the condemnation of Apartheid and many other struggles we continue to face .
Bring down the walls works in 2 folds.
Music presentation & sharing (because we all need respite from our daily struggles by finding solace and healing in music) as well as Discussion /Talks which will include screenings and visual presentations . Discussion topics will be as wide and varied as possible, from more direct discussions around how as music lovers we can directly effect change within our communities to discussions giving context to the music we dance to because if we do not know where we come from how can we proceed in an informed way?
Bring down the walls is a work in progress - none of us can claim to be perfect and we can all benefit from constantly working on ourselves and learning from each other .
Bring Down The Walls is independent & will not accept any Corporate sponsorship or align itself with corporations .
Starbucks UK Illustration
Illustration for Starbucks UK's social media platforms.